Trebor Nasipap aka Robert “Bob” Papisan

My friend went to heaven last night. I called him Trebor Nasipap – he was known as Bob Papisan to the rest of the world.

I met Bob in the cafeteria at bible college in the 80s. It was over a discussion about collard greens. He made me laugh and that was it. We were friends! Trebor made everyone feel like they were his absolute closest friend.

Trebor had the ugliest pair of brown dress socks. Seriously. They were UGLY. He loved ’em! On one road trip home he donated them for my oil cap when we accidentally left it at a gas station.

Bob was amazing at making up lyrics. Just a Closer Walk With Thee became “Just a bowl of butter beans….pass the cornbread if you please…I don’t want to collard greens…just a bowl of them good ol’ butter beans.” Bob would slap his leg to the beat of the music and then we’d laugh.

Laughter. I’ve been blessed to know some seriously funny people. Bob was one of them. To know Bob was to laugh until you hurt or something leaked. He could make anything fun!

“You’re hell to get to know, Cave!” He said. “But it’s a challenge I’d recommend to anyone!” Bob always had a way with words.

“I’ve met this gal at church.” He told me one night. “She’s kinda pushy but I think I might like her so I’m asking her out.” A few months later I drove to St. Joe to meet her and fell in love with Joni just as much he had. She was absolutely perfect for him. She was his gift! Joni came with two bonus gifts – Stephanie and Aaron. His heart was so full! Their wedding was lovely. I can still hear Bob’s sigh as he saw Joni walk down the aisle. He said, “I’ll take that one” as Joni took her place beside him at the alter.

Life happens and time moves forward. Our phone calls became less frequent and eventually you just don’t talk as much. A couple weeks ago, I felt the urge to hear his voice. He sent me his phone number on Facebook and within minutes, we were talking. My heart was full.

I’m amazed at the goodness of the God we both serve that He would gently urge me for a long overdue phone call with my dear friend just two weeks ago.

I’m going to miss you.

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