Counting My Blessings

Last week was a bit much – xrays, ultrasounds and the suicide of a friend left me a bit spent by the time the weekend came. Suicide always leaves unanswered questions and those just have to be left at the feet of Jesus.

I did a bit of mind numbing internet searching for a long lost acquaintance in the land of “gosh I wonder what happened to them” and then it happened. A memory tried to reinsert itself into my present and I was totally unprepared for the persistency of its mission.

I realized that the mission here was singular – to get me raddled. The definition of raddled – being in a state of confusion, broken-down or worn. I felt like I was losing my mind.

When something from our past tries to grab hold of our present, we have to be vigilant in closing the door! If you don’t – your past will rattle your present and burn your future! The assignment is to infect your present life with just enough dissatisfaction to cause doubt and confusion.

I immediately began the process of shutting the voice of the accuser. Repent – Renounce – Receive – I repented of entertaining the thought – renounced the connection and the open door that was there and received mercy and grace for a new day! I then began counting my blessings out loud – thanking God for every one of them.

Let me tell you – counting your blessings is a very real battle strategy – it reminds us who God is – what He’s done and what He’ll continue to do. It resets our thoughts into a place where we can clearly hear Holy Spirit’s voice.

I have several friends that are facing very serious situations and in light of those struggles, this is nothing. But I just felt the need to share it.

Don’t forget to go counting!

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