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I had a run-in with an ol’ familiar friend recently….forgiveness. Sometimes, this friend is easy going – “Oh, I can let that …

Celebrating My Friend…

Today is a special day. My friend went to Heaven today. Last night, favorite husband and I were talking about our friend.  …

It’s Really That Simple…

Those of us that were raised in church really can have an “I’ve seen it all” attitude.  Primarily because we have been …

Just A Word…

It happened again last night. It’s happened before and I’m always caught in the moment when God shows up. “Ohmylord – that’s …


I’ve had a hysterectomy. I’ve joined a special club of women. The surgery went well – the physical healing process has progressed …


Synonyms for confidence – tenacity, courage, certainty, self-possession Definition – belief in oneself I’ve struggled with this my entire life.  There are …

A Season of Healing

I’m in a season of healing. If you noticed the long dragging marks behind me….yup…that’s me! If you added the kicking and …

What are you wearing?

Proverbs 31:25 She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. I love this scripture! It’s …