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Rising Strong

I’m reading Rising Strong by Brene Brown. It’s a great follow up to her previous work – Daring Greatly. You need to …

A New View

I’ve been trying to put words to what God did in me recently.  There are moments of time when our Heavenly Father …


I love to laugh. No seriously, I do. One of my regrets in life is not seeing John Pinette in person. He …

A Giver

I’ve purposed in my heart to be a giver. It is a foundational tenet to a person’s nature I wanted to make …

For the Sake of His Name

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside …

Nothing is Named in the Valley

I work with several men who have served our country in the military – so much of our watering hole conversations have …

It’s an orange purse…

Healing happens in so many different ways. Sometimes it comes with a lot of force and a huge crack! Other times, you …

He Was the Salt of the Earth

I’m sad. My heart is heavy for a friend of mine who lost her husband this week. There was no prolonged illness …

I made a smurf cake…

I always start projects with visions of grandeur. “I can do this!” I told myself.  Favorite Husband has learned to roll with …