My Favorite Husband Strikes Again….

Something amazing happened. Another suddenly – once again looking up to find I’m on the other side of something I couldn’t explain or describe.

I’ve felt the need for my own space again. Favorite Husband and I had discussed moving his office to another part of the house, but it had remained “a discussion.” The more we tossed around the idea, the more solid it became – we just needed to put actions to words and make it happen.

One night I came home from work to find FH had moved the majority of his office downstairs. I was thrilled at the idea of having my own space again. But life happened and for a couple weeks – his office was predominately downstairs – but still remained a bit upstairs.

Until I left for a quick visit with my 93 year old Grandmother in Iowa.

Favorite Husband didn’t join us because he travels quite a bit and frankly, it’s not an easy trip to make. FH picked me up from the airport and drove me to IKEA to help me pick out some storage solutions for my new office. I thought he was jumping the gun a bit because my keyboard was still in pieces, the majority of my materials and books were still in boxes…I just wasn’t sure we were ready for all of this expense.

We made it home and started unpacking the car. I walked into the house and realized that he had rearranged some things while I was gone. FH prompted me to go into what was to become my office – only to find he had set it all up for me!

I opened the door to find my piano set up – a love seat moved to the corner with a nice table and reading light – my desk set up in the middle of the room….it was all set up for me.

FH had vacuumed the floor, cleaned out the closet – put my boxes in from the garage and even cleaned the floor boards!

My husband made a place for me.

Just let that one sink in a bit. I’ll say it again.

Favorite husband made a place for me – just for me.

I’ve spent my life looking for my own place – struggling, pushing, pressing to find it…only to feel that others got there first. I’ve spoken words – only to have them judged as unimportant or not valuable. I’ve self sabotaged open doors because I was more familiar with the taste of failure.

In that moment of time – every open door that didn’t materialize – every promise that wasn’t kept – every judgement of man fell to ground without a sound…rendered voiceless in the future that God’s planned for me.

Proverbs 18:16 “A man’s gift makes room for him…”

My husband made a room for my gift.

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