Desires – He’s Dealing with Desires!

I have a list of people & situations that I pray for daily on my way to work. As I was going through my list one day, Holy Spirit interrupted me. He does that, ya know. Interrupts.

“I’m dealing with desires in this season.”

“Okay”, I thought.

“2017 will be a direct result of the desires of 2016 – those dealt with or not. Look at your desires, Janine.”

I watched as that word rolled over our lives. Every where I turned, desires were playing a HUGE role in people’s life decisions. I watched as people’s desires for what is in the past and lost distort their ability to choose well for their future. People’s hidden desires rose to the top and became displayed for everyone to see.

Holy Spirit put his finger on desires in my own life that needed to be dealt with. Without sharing this with Favorite Husband – I watched as Holy Spirit did the same in his life.

We buy into the delusion that desires can be confessed away like an annoying fly. Dealing with desires will always start with repentance – coming to our Heavenly Father and repenting for giving that desire a higher place than Him. Then you have to look at the root of why that desire is there. What’s making me overeat? What’s making me angry? What’s making me desire a season that’s lost? Once you deal with the root, then it’s time for obedience. Walking in obedience is uncomfortable, but it brings blessings in your life. Obedience always moves the hand of God like nothing else!

What I absolutely know is this – that which you choose not to bridle and silence in 2016 will be unbridled and screaming in 2017.

My prayer for you is to allow Holy Spirit to speak His wisdom to your desires. His wisdom always produces peace. We are going to need that peace in 2017.

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