Cape Disappointment

Last week I found myself amongst friends in an Expedition – seeing the sites, eating great food and lots of laughter.

One day found us at Cape Disappointment – hiking down a verdant trail to the beautiful lighthouse. Below is the lighthouse at Cape Disappointment.

cape dis

A little history – In 1788, while in search of the Columbia River, English Captain John Meares missed the passage over the river bar and named the nearby headland Cape Disappointment for his failure in finding the river.

I was waiting in front of the gift shop when I heard Holy Spirit say –

“Where are you?” he asked.

“Cape Disappointment.” I answered, knowing that Holy Spirit never asks a question because he doesn’t know the answer! He asks for my benefit. every. time.

“Uhmmm Hmmmm…isn’t this an issue in your life? Don’t you think right here would be a great place for you and LuLu to have a prayer time?”

“Yes sir. I do believe it is.” I responded.

As soon as my friend was available, I grabbed her arm and away we went. LuLu is always available to pray. I love that about her. I shared with LuLu what I heard Holy Spirit say. Her mouth flew open, “I’ve been here twice before and never made that connection.”

We found our stance and began to pray. Let me share a little secret – you have to find a stance when you pray. A stance is the place you’re praying from – it’s your line in the sand. You won’t be able to be effective in prayer unless your stance comes from the Word of God. You can’t separate effective prayer from knowing the Bible. period

I repented of giving disappointment a louder voice in my life than I gave anything else. I placed the cross of Christ between disappointment and my every area of my life. I broke the agreement that I had made with it. I prayed over Favorite Husband the same exact thing. I broke the power of disappointment in our lives and shut it’s mouth. I began to pray for favor, for influence and for the voice of destiny to speak to the shrunken disappointed places in our hearts.

When I was finished, LuLu stepped up to the plate and knocked it out of the park for herself and her family. I’ve prayed with this woman for years. What one of us doesn’t grab hold of – the other one will.

It was powerful for both of us.

My encouragement to you is this – cultivate a listening heart. You absolutely never know when Holy Spirit will stir your heart to pray or bring revelation. The majority of the time, it is a still voice that breaks through confusion to bring clarity and a plan of attack. Too often, we’re afraid of being still or quieting our minds/hearts.

Be still and know.

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