The Blessing of the Lord Makes Rich

Favorite Husband is so thoughtful and considerate. I was meeting an old friend in North Denver yesterday afternoon and he volunteered to drive me. He knows I strongly dislike driving in crazy Denver traffic.

On the way there, we talked about seeing this friend for the first time in 31 years. I have to tell you I was beyond giddy – I kept saying, “I can’t wait…this is like finding a piece of yourself that has been lost. I love this woman and I’ve missed her so much.”

Favorite Husband cautioned me, “You should lower your expectations. It’s been quite a while and you don’t know if you’re going to hit it off after all these years.” He was protecting my heart, like a good husband.

As we walked in the mall, he asked me if I needed to call my friend to find out where she was. “Nope.” I said, “I’ll know her.” There she sat. We hugged. We hugged again. The connection and friendship that was dormant for 31 years came alive again. We spent the next 4 hours catching up on mutual friends, weddings, babies, heartbreaks, triumphs, how our prayer lives have changed and “I really missed you.”

When our time was over and we were driving home – the tears came flowing again. “God really loves me, Honey.” I said. “I know He does, Pook.” Favorite Husband responded. “No. I mean He does special things for me that he doesn’t do for everyone and I am so overwhelmed.” “I’ve watched Him do some amazing things for you.” FH said.

1985 – I was 19 with big hair, ridiculous eye shadow and enormous dreams. I spent 3 months on a bus traveling the US and falling in love with such a ragtag group.

31 years later, God knew – HE KNEW – that this was planned for Kim and I. If there is something deeper than a blessing – that’s what God did for us yesterday. I still have tissues in front of me…I’m misty eyed and my heart is so tender.

The blessing of the Lord makes rich and this morning, I know Kim & I feel wealthy!

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