What are you wearing?

Proverbs 31:25

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

I love this scripture!

It’s been one of those that just stays with you.  An artist friend of mine is doing something artsy-tartsy with it so I can put it on my wall.  When she’s done with it, I will post a picture to share it with you!  It is a reminder to me of what we, as women, are to be…strong and dignified.

I’ve heard quite a bit about strength but not so much about dignity.  I think that word comes out when we talk about people dying.  “Oh, they died with dignity.”  But aren’t we supposed to LIVE with dignity?

  • bearing, conduct, or speech indicative of self-respect or appreciation of the formality or gravity of an occasion or situation
  • nobility or elevation of character; worthiness

How do you conduct yourself?  Do others see Jesus in you?  Do your actions and reactions display the dignity of Jesus?

Women, we are to be clothed with strength and dignity.  What are you wearing?

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