2016 The Year to Choose Love

This is the time of year where everyone chimes in with what they sense for the coming year. Yes, this is my voice and yes – I couldn’t resist the urge.

In the midst of working through some personal issues – I heard “Choose love, Janine. It’s more powerful than what you’re feeling or wanting to express.” Immediately, I felt at peace.

Choosing to love isn’t denying the existence of pain in our lives. It’s denying pain’s right to reign over us or choose for us.

Choosing to love is not allowing others to run all over your garden. Love is erecting a fence – a boundary which says “I love you, but I’m also responsible for loving myself.” It’s denying manipulation a voice.

Choosing to love is seeing people the way our Heavenly Father sees them – valuable and precious. Even when you want to send them to Jesus. Literally.

Above all, love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sin.
1 Peter 4:8

Love rises above the sin – not approves it. I love you. But I’m not afraid of calling out sin. Yes, it will offend you. It’s supposed to.

2016 is the year of choosing to love.

Love is the most powerful force there is because it is the absolute entirety of all that God is.

Choose to love.

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